Category: crime & punishment

Parking Dispute Leads to Assault Against Pregnant US Army Soldier

Even if the two servicemembers involved poorly parked their vehicle it is no excuse for the horrible actions these two civilians took:

Judy Tucker is shown in a video attempting to reach past servicemember Stephanie Mitchell.

A 71-year-old woman was arrested after she lunged at and hit a pregnant servicemember at a Cheddar’s in Macon, Ga., police said. Videos of the Saturday incident, which police said was sparked by a disagreement over parking, have drawn millions of views as they spread across social media.

Judy Tucker was arrested on Saturday, charged with simple battery and released a few hours later on $650 bail. According to a Bibb County Sheriff’s Office report, Tucker told police that the incident with servicemembers Stephanie Mitchell and Treasure Sharpe, who are black, “all started because she was white and it was a race issue.” Tucker’s son approached the women when they were backing into a parking space and told them they “should learn how to park” and called them a profane name, the report quoted Mitchell as saying.

Mitchell said that, inside the restaurant, Tucker’s son again called them the profane name and said that they were black lesbians.   [Stars & Stripes]

You can read more at the link, but the Tucker’s should be ashamed and embarrassed by their inappropriate and racist comments if the alleged actions are all true.

Korean Air Suspends “Water-Rage” Executive as Police Open Investigation

Cho Hyun-min admits to doing more more than throw water at an advertising agent, she even shoved the person:

Korean Air Lines Co., said Monday that it has temporarily suspended one of its executives — the daughter of the company’s chairman — for her alleged misbehavior toward an advertising agency employee.

South Korea’s national flagship carrier Senior Vice President Cho Hyun-min has been relieved from her current post until the ongoing police probe into the matter is concluded. It did not elaborate on what further action will be taken.

On Friday, law enforcement authorities launched a preliminary inquiry into Cho after local media reported that she yelled and threw water at a manager of an advertising agency during a meeting in Seoul last month.

She is the younger sister of Cho Hyun-ah, who was jailed in 2014 in the so-called nut rage scandal. Cho Hyun-ah ordered a plane full of passengers back to the boarding gate in New York because she was upset about the way her nuts were served.

The younger Cho was reportedly upset because the advertising employee did not properly answer her questions.

“I was foolish. I am sorry,” the heiress told reporters after arriving at Incheon International Airport on Sunday. Cho denied, however, that she threw water, although she admitted giving the person a shove. [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link.


Korean Soccer Player Accused of Raping Woman on Guam

Here is another case of a Korean man allegedly behaving badly on Guam:

A Superior Court of Guam judge has allowed a South Korean soccer player charged with sexual assault to return home for military service, pending his trial.

Kim Byong-oh is accused of sexually assaulting a woman on Jan. 22 at a Guam resort, the Pacific Daily News reported Monday.

Kim was indicted on three counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct and four counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Kim was on Guam with the Sangju Sangmu soccer team for training in January.

The 22-year-old woman who accused Kim told police that she woke up in a hotel room to Kim rubbing her stomach and breast. She told police that Kim also took off her underwear and raped her.

The woman said she ran out of the hotel room and found a security guard who called police.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link, but the woman is from South Korea so it will be interesting to see if the Guam legal system moves forward with prosecution or hands it over to Korean authorities to prosecute.

Korean Man Charged with Groping Six Women on Guam


Apparently some Korean guy needs to learn to keep his hands to himself when on vacation:

A man was arrested and charged over the weekend after six women told Fish Eye Marine Park employees about a man in yellow shorts who touched them inappropriately while they were swimming, according to a magistrate’s complaint filed in the Superior Court of Guam.

Officers arrested Myeong Seop Lee, 34, who was wearing yellow shorts but denied that he touched anyone. He said he was at the park with his family, documents state.

Police met with the Fish Eye manager on Friday. The lifeguards told the manager about a man touching six women while swimming, but by the time police arrived four of the women had left, documents state.

Police spoke with the remaining two women, the magistrate’s complaint states.  [Pacific Daily News]

You can read more at the link, but the women pointed out Lee to police as the groper and incredibly he was snorkeling at the marine park with his family.  I can only imagine what his wife had to say about this.

American Professor Flees the Country After Students Claim Sexual Harassment

Here is an article about a teacher allegedly behaving badly in Busan:

An American professor at Pusan University fled the country after police started investigating sexual harassment allegations against him.

The university admitted Thursday that the professor allegedly verbally and sexually harassed several female students in front of a bar near the school on March 28.

He then allegedly kissed a student’s cheek and said inappropriate things, including sexual insults, to other students.

The students put up a hand-written poster about his behavior and remarks.

Some students wrote in protest, “I’m not going to have sex with you” on the blackboard before his lecture, following remarks he had made.

The school ordered him to appear at a disciplinary session but he fled the country after sending a resignation email. The school department fired him and his photo was removed from the faculty list.  [Korea Times]

Three American Women Allegedly Assault Man on Seoul Subway

I don’t know what it is about subways in South Korea, but it tends to bring the worst out of people.  Here is yet another example:

The victim, left, was taken to hospital.

Three Americans, including a 32-year-old hagwon teacher, went on a rampage on a subway train, Friday, attacking and harassing passengers.

The three are now under police investigation.

According to police, a woman hit a Korean man and abused him on the train at around 5 p.m. The man suffered bruises and cuts to his face.

Police said the three attacked the man after he asked them to “be quiet.”

A video clip that went viral shows that at least one American made racist gestures to passengers and swore at them. Some passengers moved away.

“The three were sober at that time ― one was found to be a English teacher from an academy in Gangnam,” a police spokesperson said.  [Korea Times]

ROK Heads can watch the Youtube video at this link.  The video does not show the supposed assault just the women acting like fools afterwards.

Malaysian Man Arrested for Scamming Ulsan Man Out of $25,000

I am always amazed how people keep falling for these scams:

A Malaysian man has been jailed for a year over a fake kidnapping phone scam.

The man, 37, was caught in January after making a phone call to a randomly selected person in Ulsan on Jan. 8. He told the receiver that he had kidnapped his daughter and demanded 27 million won ($25,399) ransom.

The father wired the money but soon realized he had been duped. He reported the incident to police, who caught the suspect days after.

The Malaysian was found to be a member of a domestic voice phishing syndicate. The suspect told police he took 500,000 won from the wired money and shared the rest with his colleagues. Police are looking for other people involved.  [Korea Times]

You can read more at the link.

Korean Journalists Fined For Revealing Affair of USFK Civilian Worker

Via a reader tip comes this conviction against reporters who disclosed the affair of a USFK civilian worker:

South Korea’s top court on Tuesday confirmed the conviction of three weekly magazine reporters who were accused of publishing an extramarital affair story involving a Korean civilian worker at United States Forces Korea (USFK).

The Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s ruling, fining them 3 million won ($2,800) each for defaming the worker.

The court rejected the reporters’ claim that their reporting was justifiable in light of people’s right to know and the freedom of press.

It said the disputed story dealt with a “sheer private affair” whose publication did nothing for public interest. The court said the story was published with personal details edited out, but not enough.  [Korea Times]

Can you imagine if the US had South Korea’s defamation laws?  The journalists in America would all be broke from lawsuits.

Former ROK President Lee Myung-Bak Arrested Over Corruption Allegations

The Korean left is likely rejoicing today with the news that they have finally gotten payback on former President Lee Myung-Bak for uncovering the corruption of former President Roh Moo-hyun:

Former President Lee Myung-bak was taken into custody by prosecutors after a local court issued a warrant Thursday night to detain him as a suspect in a criminal investigation over corruption allegations.

Lee, who served as president from 2008 to 2013, became the fourth former president to be detained on corruption charges.

He faces at least 18 charges for receiving bribes from businessmen and politicians, misappropriating secret operations funds from the country’s main spy agency and generating slush funds using a company registered under his family’s name.

After the Seoul Central District Court issued the warrant around 11:05 p.m. on Thursday, prosecutors went to his home in Nonhyeon-dong, southern Seoul, and transported Lee to the Seoul Dongbu Detention Center in Munjeong-dong, southern Seoul.

Earlier in the day, Judge Park Beom-seok reviewed the prosecution’s application for a detention warrant, which was submitted on Monday. Judge Park made the decision after reviewing documents from prosecutors and Lee’s lawyers. A hearing was not held because Lee refused to attend.

Prosecutors questioned the former president on March 14 and asked the court to issue a detention warrant for further investigation because they believed there was a high possibility of evidence destruction. Lee, they argued, might try to persuade witnesses to change their testimony.  [Joong Ang Ilbo]

You can read more at the link, but this could also be payback for the prison term that former Prime Minister during the Roh administration, Han Myeong-sook received for corruption.  This is just another example that politics in South Korea is a zero sum game.

South Korea Implements More Stringent Leash Law for Dog Owners

I guess we will see how strictly this new law is enforced:

South Korea’s agriculture ministry said Wednesday it will implement a revised animal safety law to require dogs to wear a leash in public places, but it withheld a controversial plan to give cash rewards to those who report violators amid a backlash from animal lovers.

Starting from Thursday, dogs will be required to have a leash no longer than 2 meters in public places, and potentially dangerous breeds — pit bulls, Rottweilers, American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers and Staffordshire bull terriers — will have to wear muzzles as well.

Dog owners who fail to abide by the rules will be subject to penalties up to 500,000 won (US$466.40), which has been raised from the current 100,000 won.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link.