Category: DMZ

ROK 22nd Division Commander Relieved Over DMZ Security Lapse

The ROK 22nd Division commander has been relieved in the aftermath of last’s months defector incident:

A South Korean major general has been relieved of his command after his troops failed to quickly apprehend a North Korean defector who crawled into the country last month through a seaside drainage pipe, the defense ministry said Thursday.

Several times, surveillance cameras spotted the intruder, who swam across the border in chilly East Sea waters wearing a dive suit. But guard troops of the 22nd Infantry Division failed to notice, according to earlier accounts from the Ministry of National Defense.

Troops took the man into custody at 7:20 a.m. Feb. 16, six hours after he entered the country and three hours after guards finally spotted him on camera at 4:16 a.m.ย 

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You can read more at the link, but other senior officers and soldiers are being looked at for discipline as well after this incident.

Tweet of the Day: Armistice Inspections Continue

DMZ Guards Fail to Detect Defector 8 Times After Alarm Rang

More details are coming out about the man who defected by swimming in a wet suit and then working his way across the DMZ after landing on the beach:

A North Korean man was caught on military surveillance cameras along the east coast 10 times after he swam ashore in the South last week, but soldiers failed to notice eight of them even after alarm bells rang, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said Tuesday.

The announcement was a key point of the results of the JCS’ weeklong probe into the Feb. 16 incident. The North Korean man was ultimately captured more than six hours later inside a restricted area north of the Civilian Control Line in the eastern border town of Goseong.


You can read much more at the link, but the man defected overnight which leads me to believe the ROK Army soldiers manning the cameras were probably sleeping on duty. The man wasn’t detected by the guards manning the camera until the next morning.