Who can name where this home is located?
Here are this year’s current Korea Finder Leader’s Board:
Peekstr – 1
Note that who ever totals the most points at the end of the year, I will purchase for them a Korea related book or DVD of their choice using the proceeds I have accumulated by people purchasing books from Amazon.com on my website.
Who can name this famous tree in Korea?:
Here are this year’s current Korea Finder Leader’s Board:
Peekstr – 1
Note that who ever totals the most points at the end of the year, I will purchase for them a Korea related book or DVD of their choice using the proceeds I have accumulated by people purchasing books from Amazon.com on my website.
Who can name what and where this picture below is:
Here are this year current Korea Finder Leader’s Board:
Peekstr – 1
Note that who ever totals the most points at the end of the year, I will purchase for them a Korea related book or DVD of their choice using the proceeds I have accumulated by people purchasing books from Amazon.com on my website.
Who can name what this image is and where it is located?
Here are this year current Korea Finder Leader’s Board:
Peekstr – 1
Note that who ever totals the most points at the end of the year, I will purchase for them a Korea related book or DVD of their choice using the proceeds I have accumulated by people purchasing books from Amazon.com on my website.
Who can specifically name the building in this picture:
So where is this aircraft carrier in a pond located at?
Hint: It is not in Korea, but it is in Asia.
Google Earth just keeps getting better and better. I can almost see the black marketers going out the gate in this image. So who can name this airfield:
Now that my new site is up and running with no problems; I have decided to bring Korea Finder back. Here is an easy image to get started again. Who can name where this is?