Via a reader tip comes news that remains from the Korean War have been memorialized:

The defense ministry has enshrined 365 sets of remains of those killed during the 1950-53 Korean War, at a national cemetery in Seoul, the ministry said Wednesday.
Korea Times
A group of high-ranking officials, including Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon and Defense Minister Jeong Kyeong-doo, participated and paid respect to the fallen soldiers during the event, according to the Ministry of National Defense.
“The defense ministry will continue fulfilling its responsibility and duty to bring back war remains to the bereaved families,” the ministry said in a statement.
Most of the remains have been recovered in border areas, such as Cheorwon in Gangwon Province, and Paju in Gyeonggi Province. The defense ministry has teamed up with the Army and the Marine Corps for the war remains excavation project which began this May and continued for eight months.
You can read more at the link, but with 365 war remains being memorialized you would think President Moon would have found time to attend this ceremony.