By the way you can read about the PEFTOK battalion during the Korean War at this previous ROK Drop posting.
Category: Korean War
Korea Military Academy Builds Memorials to West Point Cadets Killed During the Korean War
This is a great idea by the Korea Military Academy:

The Army unveiled a monument Friday to commemorate U.S. Military Academy graduates who were killed in the 1950-53 Korean War, officials said.
The monument, erected at the Korea Military Academy in Seoul, bears the names of 17 fallen officers from the West Point Class of 1948, Army officials said.
That is in addition to two monuments already set up at the Korea Military Academy campus to honor U.S. service members from the Classes of 1949 and 1950 killed in the war, officials said.
The Army plans to build four more for those from the Classes of 1945, 1946, 1947 and 1951 by 2023, and turn the area into a zone to remember the fallen U.S. soldiers.
You can read more at the link.
Remembering the 70th Anniversary of the Incheon Landing Operation
This week is the 70th anniversary of the Incheon Landing Operation that turned the tide of the Korean War. I guess we will see if President Moon attends any ceremonies honoring the operation that changed the course of the Korean War.

You can read more about the Incheon Landing Operation at my prior posting at the below link:
For anyone visiting Incheon the memorial hall there dedicated to the landing is well worth checking out as well: