By the way you can read about the PEFTOK battalion during the Korean War at this previous ROK Drop posting.
Category: Korean War
September 21, 2020
| Korea Military Academy Builds Memorials to West Point Cadets Killed During the Korean War
September 20, 2020
| Remembering the 70th Anniversary of the Incheon Landing Operation
September 16, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: Operation Minden
September 9, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: South Africa’s Flying Cheetahs During the Korean War
September 7, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: Denmark’s Medical Support During the Korean War
August 20, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: South Africa’s Flying Cheetahs
August 14, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: First Marine Aviator KIA from the Korean War
August 12, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: 1st Marine Decorated for Valor During the Korean War
August 7, 2020
| Tweet of the Day: New Zealand Frigates Join Korean War Effort
August 4, 2020