US Trsy Sec Janet Yellen met today with South Korean President Yoon Seok-youl in Seoul. The press traveling with Yellen was banned from taking cell-phone photos and our phones had black tape put over their lenses. So I had no choice but to sketch the meeting.
Viral ad in South Korea: A truck spilled over 2,000 bottles of CASS. People nearby cleaned up the mess within 30 mins. CASS is now searching for those "hero" citizens who helped out, adding the driver was not punished, and insurance covered the
This is a really good idea and a nice gesture by a Korean couple who founded the Korean War Foundation:
Koo Sung-yeol (third from right) and Kim Chang-hwa (second from right) pose for photos with the school principal, superintendent, and students after a donation event at Workman Elementary School in Michigan, United States, on April 4. [KOO SUNG-YEOL]
In Kaycee, Wyoming, the only school library is named for Corporal Demaret Kirtley, a Korean War veteran born in the small American town.
The library got its name thanks to a $5,000 (6.26 million won) donation by Koo Sung-yeol and Kim Chang-hwa to the school in May 2021.
In 2020, the Korean couple, who have lived in the U.S. for more than 50 years, founded the Korean War Foundation. It has made $5,000 donations to schools in the hometowns of nine American soldiers who died in the Korean War.
Koo and his wife make donations to the schools and deliver nameplates that honor the fallen soldiers.
The couple’s grand notion: to pay respect to the American foot soldiers in the war for Korea’s freedom from all 50 states.
Corporal Kirtley died on Dec. 6, 1950, in the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir on the Gaema Plateau in South Hamgyeong. He was 21 years old. His remains, which were not recovered at the time, were returned to his hometown in June 2019, 69 years after he died.
Former Korean Navy UDT/SEAL lieutenant turned YouTube star Ken Rhee says he's gone on a mission to Ukraine to support the country. Says he's selected a team, and will take full legal responsibility is he returns alive. S. Korea prohibits its nationals from entering Ukraine.
Today, we observe Presidents' Day, which celebrates all United States presidents, past and present. #DidYouKnow: Although 4 presidents have birthdays in Feb., none of their birthdays ever fall on Presidents' Day. @HISTORY