There has some speculation recently that the Stars & Stripes have been intentionally covering up, not reporting, ignoring, or whatever other phrase you want to use to describe not publishing stories about GI misbehavior in Korea which is giving the appearance of a drop in GI incidents. I don’t believe it, but I decided to e-mail the Stars & Stripes and get a response to such claims anyway.
As I expected there was a logical explanation for the spike in incidents earlier this year along with the drop off this summer and it has nothing to do with the Stars & Stripes intentionally not reporting incidents. Many people working in the JAG office were PCSing in May and front loaded the cases to get them completed before they left. This contributed to the apparent spike in incidents earlier this year. With so many cases tried before the summer started this caused the apparent drop in incidents this summer.
For those that are wondering even if the USFK command wanted to censor the Stars & Stripes they can’t due to DOD Directive 5122.11:
Stars and Stripes is a Department of Defense-authorized daily newspaper distributed overseas for the U.S. military community. Editorially independent of interference from outside its editorial chain-of-command, it provides commercially available U.S. and world news and objective staff-produced stories relevant to the military community in a balanced, fair, and accurate manner. By keeping its audience informed, Stars and Stripes enhances military readiness and better enables U.S. military personnel and their families stationed overseas to exercise their responsibilities of citizenship.
Now I know many of you reading this are wondering why the Stars & Stripes are not reporting on developments in some of the USFK corruption cases or the killing of SPC Vang Her by a Korean taxi driver. I would like to know more as well, but just because the Stars & Stripes hasn’t published any more follow up articles doesn’t mean they are covering anything up. A legitimate newspaper like the Stars & Stripes needs facts to report something not innuendo and rumor. Innuendo and rumor is what my comments section is for. 🙂
I think the Stars & Stripes has done a very good job of publishing incidents along with other articles of interest for USFK, especially in the last two years. I have said before that the perception of the increase in GI crimes is because the Stars & Stripes along with the Korean media does a much better job of reporting incidents compared to in the past and then these reports are picked up on blogs like this one thus making people more aware of them. When I first came to Korea eight years ago the villes were much more crazy and filled with many more incidents than now. It was just that the media and people in general did not pay as much attention to it as they do now in this post June 13, 2002 period.
I for one am glad the court martial and civilian court results are published because it creates better awareness of the penalties in store for those who violate either Korean Law or the UCMJ. I used to take the newspaper clippings and hang them on the barracks bulletin board for the soldiers walking out to read. I have always been a big believer that informed soldiers make better decisions and the Stars & Stripes in my opinion has done a good job of this.