UPDATE: Captain’s Journal has more on the electricity issue in Iraq.
The Stars and Stripes has an excellent article today explaining in detail the electricity situation in Iraq. Though security has greatly improved Iraqis are not satisfied with just that, they want electricity as well. According to the article electricity is currently at 4,230 megawatts across the country which is near the pre-war level of 4,500 megawatts. However, during the Saddam Hussein regime Baghdad was guaranteed power at the expense of areas outside of the city, particularly Shiite areas. There are parts of Iraq that have power now that never had power during the time of Saddam.
Something the article did not mention was the increased availability of electrical goods with the opening of the economy that has put additional strain on the power grid. After the US invasion it was incredible to see the number of trucks filled with electrical goods flowing down the highway from Turkey.
The article did mention that the US refurbished certain power plants in Iraq and then turned them over to the Iraqi government where due to incompetence they once again were in disrepair and not operating at peak efficiency. Most troubling is the report that Shiite militias are controlling the power plants:
Armed militias have taken control of many of the switching stations that regulate the flow of electricity throughout the country, an Iraqi official said Wednesday.
At a news briefing with U.S. military officials, electricity minister Karim Wahid said the armed groups have effectively been able to keep certain areas of Iraq without electrical power.
Wahid’s remarks were first reported by The New York Times on Thursday.
“The development adds to existing electricity problems in Baghdad, which has been struggling to provide power for more than a few hours a day because insurgents regularly blow up the towers that carry power lines into the city,” the Times reported.
“Officials have been trying to control the flow of electricity from huge power plants in the south, north and west by calling local officials there and ordering them to physically flip switches. But the officials refuse to follow those orders when the armed groups threaten their lives, [Wahid] said, and the often isolated stations are abandoned at night and easily manipulated by whatever group controls the area.” [Stars & Stripes]
This is definitely troublesome and just another reason why I expect a confrontation with the Shiite militias once Al Qaida in Iraq is destroyed. The article did not specify which militia was controlling what power plants, but I highly suspect the Mahdi Army since that would be keeping in line with its Hezbollah roots of controlling public services thus undermining the national government and making them into a proxy government to the people. The Mahdi Army already controls many hospitals and food distribution centers in Iraq, thus concluding they are controlling power plants as well is not much of a stretch.
This solution to the problem being implemented by the 3-82 Field Artillery Regiment in Baghdad I think is a great idea:
The men of the field artillery regiment aren’t swayed by outside issues. They want to help out residents in their own area of operation, one megawatt at a time.
According to 1st Lt. Jesse Wood, a civil military operations officer, plans to install a one- megawatt generator are already in the works, paid for by the artillery unit’s funds.
“We’re trying to figure out how and where to run the cables for it right now,” Wood said. “It could cover 300 to 350 households once it’s up.”
Installing these generators in every neighborhood would increase the electrical output but would also give the neighborhood a stake in protecting their own electrical infrastructure from insurgent attacks while simultaneously decreasing the power the militias currently have by controlling the large power plants. However, to make the small community generator idea feasible a reliable method of bringing fuel into the neighborhoods would need to be established which the militias will probably try and influence.
The whole issue over electricity is probably the country’s second most important issue behind improving security. I think this Michael Totten interview of an Iraqi interpreter sums up the importance of this issue to average Iraqis quite well:
If you give average Iraqis electricity right now it will be enough. This is the most important thing. Give them power for seven days in a row and there will be no fights.
After the US came and Saddam fell they earned 3 dollars a month. Now they earn between 100 and 700 dollars a month.
Giving them electricity would reduce violence. If you don’t believe me, ask yourself what would happen to this Army base if the power was cut off forever and the soldiers had to spend the rest of their lives in Iraq. Do think think these soldiers would still behave normally?
Iraqis are paid to set up IEDs. They do it so they can buy gas for their generator and cool off their house or leave the country. Their hands do this, not their minds.
TV is the most interesting thing to Iraqis. They learn everything from the TV. Right now they only have one hour of electricity every day. Do you know what they watch? Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera pushes them to fight. If they got TV the whole day they would watch many things. Their minds would be influenced by something other than terrorist propaganda.
Right now they have no electricity. They have no dreams. Nothing. And Saddam messed with their minds. For more than 30 years he poisoned their minds.
You can’t understand Iraq because you can’t get inside their mind. When you get inside their mind…it is a crazy mind. [Michael Totten]
Who knows Iraqi better than another Iraqi thus I take what this man as saying as being very true. General Petraeus’ counter-insurgency strategy is clear, hold, and build. Hopefully in the areas of Iraq that are in the build stage electricity is priority number one.