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Tales of Two Soldiers

The last of the soldiers involved in the 2006 rape and murder of an Iraqi family has been convicted:

A military jury found a soldier guilty of rape and murder in the slayings of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and her family, despite testimony that cast doubt on his involvement.

Jurors deliberated much of Friday evening before convicting Army Pfc. Jesse Spielman, 22, of conspiracy to commit rape, rape, housebreaking with intent to commit rape and four counts of felony murder.

He faces a mandatory life sentence when a sentencing hearing begins Saturday. The jury will decide if he will be eligible for parole.

There actually one former soldier, Steven Green that is still waiting to go to court in Kentucky.  He is the alleged ring leader and the person that murdered the family.  He faces the death penalty and should rightfully receive it if convicted. 

The media has been splashing headlines for over a year about these disgraceful criminals while at the same time ignoring soldiers like Captain Brennan Goltry who deserve headlines:

It wasn’t the first time he’d been shot. And it wasn’t the first time he’d led his men through an ambush.

But, for the actions he took on one particular moonlit night in Samarra in February, Capt. Brennan Goltry has been marked as a hero. Goltry was awarded the Silver Star, two Purple Hearts and the Combat Infantryman Badge in a ceremony Tuesday at a small combat outpost in a city still very much in the middle of the fight.

Read the whole thing, but thank goodness for the Stars & Stripes because they regularly publish stories about American heroes that the main stream media would rather ignore and pretend does not exist.  However, great soldiers and Americans like CPT Goltry do exist and populate the ranks of the military at a vastly higher percentage than the cretins involved in the 2006 murders. 

AER Scam Exposed

The Army Emergency Relief (AER) program is a non-profit that basically funded by donations from soldiers.  I contribute money into it every month.  The AER program uses the money to offer money to soldiers for emergency reasons.  The most often reason in Korea is for money for soldiers to buy a plane ticket to fly back home due to death or illness in the family.  AER will then decide whether to give a soldier a loan or an outright grant depending on the income status. 

As usual one scumbag has found a way to ruin a good program:

An Army staff sergeant was sentenced to one year of confinement and a bad-conduct discharge Thursday after admitting he helped scam an Army relief program and soldiers under his command out of $6,000.

Staff Sgt. Shane R. Martin, 40, admitted in a general court-martial that since fall of 2005 he had helped three soldiers get money from Army Emergency Relief, an organization dedicated to helping soldiers in need. Then, he asked each of the three soldiers for a cut, he said under oath.

This guy was in cahoots with an AER employee to get soldiers to apply for a loan for reasons such as because a family is suffering from Hurricane Katrina related problems and then the AER official would give out the money and cut it three ways.  I have to wonder how long this scam has been going on and how many more people have been getting away with it?  There is obviously very little checks and balances in place if such a fraud could so easily take place. 

Playing Politics with Recruiting Numbers

The New York Times recently ran a headline about the US Army missing its June recruiting goal.  As you would expect the article begins with all the usual doom and gloom and how this is a sign that the US public no longer supports the Army because of casualties in Iraq.  Now this is what the article won’t tell you, for the fiscal year the US Army’s current enlistment total is at 101%.  Here is a complete breakdown of 2007 recruiting numbers:

07 Recruiting Statistics:

Component            Accessions   Goal      Percentage
Army                      51,889          51,150     101%
Navy                      25,176          25,101     100%
Marines                  21,866          19,629     111%
Air Force                20,211          20,211     100%

Notice the two branches of the military that are conducting direct combat operations, the Army and the Marines are the only branches with recruiting totals that are above their maximum percentage, especially the Marine Corps.  So if people are discouraged from joining the military due to the fear of casualties as the New York Times alleges, than how do you explain the vast majority of new recruits are overwhelmingly joining the two branches that you are mostly likely to get wounded and not the Air Force and the Navy? 

At least the NY Times mentioned this fact towards the very end of their article, but the US Army is in the midst of a massive force expansion of 33,000 soldiers, which means this year they have to recruit a higher total of numbers compared to in the past and yet both the Army and Marines Corps are recruiting over the projected number.   

To add to this fudging of facts TIME magazine has published an article that once again raises fears about installing a draft to make up for the lack of recruits which doesn’t exist except in the minds of dishonest reporters.  The dishonest reporting of military recruiting is just another prime example of politicization of the military by the media fudging recruiting numbers to confirm a thesis they want the reader to believe is happening instead of actually reporting what is happening. 

Playing Politics with Recruiting Numbers

The New York Times recently ran a headline about the US Army missing its June recruiting goal.  As you would expect the article begins with all the usual doom and gloom and how this is a sign that the US public no longer supports the Army because of casualties in Iraq.  Now this is what the article won’t tell you, for the fiscal year the US Army’s current enlistment total is at 101%.  Here is a complete breakdown of 2007 recruiting numbers:

07 Recruiting Statistics:

Component            Accessions   Goal      Percentage
Army                      51,889          51,150     101%
Navy                      25,176          25,101     100%
Marines                  21,866          19,629     111%
Air Force                20,211          20,211     100%

Notice the two branches of the military that are conducting direct combat operations, the Army and the Marines are the only branches with recruiting totals that are above their maximum percentage, especially the Marine Corps.  So if people are discouraged from joining the military due to the fear of casualties as the New York Times alleges, than how do you explain the vast majority of new recruits are overwhelmingly joining the two branches that you are mostly likely to get wounded and not the Air Force and the Navy? 

At least the NY Times mentioned this fact towards the very end of their article, but the US Army is in the midst of a massive force expansion of 33,000 soldiers, which means this year they have to recruit a higher total of numbers compared to in the past and yet both the Army and Marines Corps are recruiting over the projected number.   

To add to this fudging of facts TIME magazine has published an article that once again raises fears about installing a draft to make up for the lack of recruits which doesn’t exist except in the minds of dishonest reporters.  The dishonest reporting of military recruiting is just another prime example of politicization of the military by the media fudging recruiting numbers to confirm a thesis they want the reader to believe is happening instead of actually reporting what is happening. 

Still No Hawks for You

Two year ago the South Korean government tried to puchase the Global Hawks and was denied.  I guess if you fail once try, try again:

South Korea said Wednesday it is still seeking to buy unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from the United States despite Washington’s previous refusal to sell it the high-altitude spy plane. The defence ministry plans to acquire four Global Hawk UAVs by 2012, a spokesman told AFP. The 45-million-dollar craft can cruise at an altitude of 19,500 metres (more than 64,000 feet) for up to 42 hours and identify 30-centimetre (12-inch) objects on the ground.

South Korea is seeking the planes partly so it can keep a better watch over North Korea, as it takes over greater responsibility for its defence from its ally the United States.

But its request for the Global Hawks was rejected in 2005. The US says that the Missile Technology Control Regime, which covers the unmanned plane, should be revised first.

So why was the Global Hawks denied to South Korea two years ago you may ask?  Unsurprisingly, this is why:

The U.S. is thought to have rejected the request for fear that the core technology might be leaked. Some are known to be worried that confidential information collected on North Korea using the Global Hawk might be leaked to the North.

It is pretty much no secret in the military community that anything given or sold to South Korea ends up being leaked to the North and nothing in the last two years has changed this fact.  If anything trust between the US and Korea has decreased even more.

Look at who the US did sell the Global Hawk too:

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration said, While continuously requesting the U.S to sell us the Global Hawk, we are also developing a domestic mid-altitude UAV system. However, the mid-altitude UAV system development will be possibly completed around 2015. On the other hand, Japan received consent to buy the Global Hawk last June, and it has already secured budgets and commenced preparations to introduce the Global Hawk into its system.

This is probably the main reason why South Korea wants the Global Hawk, simply because Japan has them.

The Six Party Charade

You have got to love the charade called the six party talks. The latest charade comes today where news has come out about how peace is just waiting to break out all over the Korean peninsula with the announcement of North Korea’s intention to completely denuclearize:

North Korea is willing to declare and disable all its nuclear programs in the next five or six months, the South Korean chief nuclear negotiator said Wednesday. […]

“Talks on a peace framework for the Korean Peninsula are vital, he added.

Lee hinted that President Roh Moo-hyun could bring up the issue at the inauguration ceremony of the 13th Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification on Thursday. “I expect that President Roh Moo-hyun will make positive remarks on inter-Korean relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula,” the minister said. Asked if the peace framework proposal could come before Aug. 15 Liberation Day, Lee said, “It’s hard to specify the timing. But it’s necessary to discuss at least part of the idea, if not all of it. Officials from Cheong Wa Dae, the Foreign Ministry, the Unification Ministry, and the Defense Ministry are preparing to launch an organization to study and discuss a peace framework.” On Tuesday, he said, “We have to find a way to declare an end to the Korean War.

There is only one problem with this momentous announcement today, no one has bothered to ask North Korea what they plan to denuclearize:

South Korean officials admitted that Pyongyang has not been asked directly to confirm that it also needs to declare its nuclear weapons. North Korea has never acknowledged that nuclear weapons are included in the declaration phase, but the other parties are pounding on that idea, a diplomatic source said yesterday. By not making this point clear, it ensures that the talks will continue. The real substance has not been addressed, only a timeline.

Asked if the North understood that nuclear weapons are included, Christopher Hill, Washington’s chief negotiator, said, We are going to have to keep talking about that. Hill said the issue was very technical and would require extensive clarification. Mentioning explosive devices, bombs in which the fissile material is located, Hill said, that clearly has to be in the declaration.

Earlier, he said, There are two main tasks on the North Korean side, one is to come up with the comprehensive declaration of all nuclear programs and that backs into the issue of the UEP [uranium enrichment program] question so its a very important task. And the second task is the disablement of all nuclear programs.

This is the greatest example so far of what a charade the six party talks process is. How do you declare to the world that North Korea plans to denuclearize if you don’t even bother asking them if they are going to dismantle the nuclear weapons they currently have as well as their uranium enrichment program? This is because this is all a charade to keep the “myth of progress” alive.

Pyongyang may give up their uranium enrichment program for the right price, but it has no intention of giving up their nuclear weapons they currently possess for reasons I have mentioned before and everyone knows it. North Korea wants time to keep perfecting their nuclear and tactical ballistic missile programs while the ruling South Korean government wants to keep their failed Sunshine Policy going in hopes of scoring a second inter-Korean Summit before this year’s presidential elections. On the Chinese side, they just want things on the Korean peninsula to remain quiet until after next year’s Olympic Games and the Russians probably just want to maintain the status quo in order to keep US foreign policy and troops tied down in Korea. The American side just wants North Korea to behave and keep quiet so the Bush Administration can claim credit for a foreign policy victory before the eventual showdown with Iran over their nuclear program.

These realities make pretending “progress” is happening to be in everybody’s interest, well everybody except the Japanese. The Japanese want the North Koreans to account for all the Japanese citizens that have abducted over the years from Japan. North Korea has refused to come clean and the Japanese have been marginalized in these talks by all sides. Thus the Japanee taken measures of their own to punish North Korea.

To keep the “myth of progress” alive expect more and more talks while the North Koreans continue to perfect their nuclear and missile programs. Additionally, expect North Korea to try and use the other nations involved in the talks to pressue Japan to remove their tough penalties against North Korea in order to keep the myth alive. By keeping the myth alive, all sides, except Japan, will get what they wanted out of the negotiations, but the next time North Korea acts up, and mark my words there will be a next time, the payoff for appeasement will be much higher.

"Profile of a Suicide Bomber"

From Newsbusters:

What is even more outrageous than this cartoon is the fact that the leftist propagandist, Ted Rall, that made this cartoon is published in more than 140 publications:

His cartoons now appear in more than 140 publications, including the Philadelphia Daily News, Aspen Times, Hartford Advocate, Newark Star-Ledger, Los Angeles Times, Wilmington News-Journal, San Diego Reader, Village Voice, Harrisburg (PA) Patriot-News, Las Vegas Review Journal, Washington City Paper, Tucson Weekly, Sacramento News & Review, San Jose Mercury-News, Lexington Herald-Leader and New York Times.  […]

In 1996, he was one of three Finalists for the Pulitzer Prize. He was one of the New York Times’ most reprinted cartoonists in 1997, 1999 and 2001. He also did color strips for both Time Magazine and Fortune Magazine from 1998 to 2001. He was awarded the 1998 Deadline Club Award by the Society of Professional Journalists for his cartoons. Rall received first place in both the 1995 and 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards for Cartoons. The award, founded in 1968, recognizes distinguished work on behalf of disadvantaged Americans.

Whatever happened to that line about supporting the troops and not the war?  As I have been pointing out over and over again; that line went out the window a long time ago and this is just another example of the liberal media effort to paint soldiers as uneducated low lives that are committing war crimes all over Iraq and thus not worthy of the nation’s respect.  People like Rall do not support the troops and they never did. 


The Countdown to Reneging Begins

North Korea has reportedly shut down its nuclear reactor and the countdown to the eventual reneging on the deal by the North Koreans has begun.  What will be the cause for the reneging?  This Chosun Ilbo article casually mentions it here:

After shutting down its main facility, Pyongyang has pledged to disclose and disable all of its nuclear programs in exchange for humanitarian assistance equivalent to one million tons of heavy fuel oil.

Does anyone really think Pyongyang is going to give up the nuclear weapons they currently have as well as fully disclose their secret HEU program?  If you believe in this deal that is what you have to trust the North Koreans to comply with.  History has shown us that North Korea has no intentions of giving up their nuclear weapons program, but are more than willing to use them as a bartering tool to get concessions from the international community for giving back little in return.  Look how much Kim Jong-il received for shutting down a reactor he can just as easily turn right back on again.  Meanwhile an issue that it appears governments around the world would rather just forget about is the massive human rights violations and suffering of the North Korean people

The Bush administration doesn’t appear to eager to confront Pyongyang on these issues so I expect the status quo to remain until President Bush leaves office.  When Kim Jong-il demands his next pay day from the next US President you can expect the ransom to be much higher with the time he has gained to perfect both his ICBM and nuclear capabilities.  Despite these realities some how in Washington this deal is applauded as a foreign policy victory.  It boggles the mind. 

Make sure you check out DPRK Studies as well as One Free Korea for even greater analysis on this issue.