How bad have Korean presidents been if Roh Moo-hyun comes out as the top president? Can anyone name one great thing Roh Moo-hyun did during his Presidency? Unless you are a North Korean sympathizer he did nothing great. His biggest accomplishments was increasing anti-Americanism to probably the highest levels ever and then funnelling billions of dollars of money to North Korea which allowed them to develop their nuclear and missile programs. If you can believe it there was a time when South Korea was paying more money to North Korea than to help fund the US-ROK alliance.

Anti-American street rally in Seoul in 2002.
Much of the problems with North Korea today can be linked back to the Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun presidencies that believed funding North Korea would lead to economic development and eventual reunification, instead the Kim regime used the funding to advance their nuclear program to threaten the region and now even the world:

Former President Roh Moo Hyun is the favorite of Koreans, and Hyundai Group founder Chung Ju-yung is the No. 1 businessman, according to the survey.
This is the result of a survey of 1,777 people aged 13 or older nationwide (excluding Jeju) from March 22 to April 5. The confidence level is 95% and the sampling error is ±2.3 percentage points.
When asked about the “favorite president of all time”, 31% of the respondents chose former president Roh Moo Hyun. Former President Park Chung-hee followed with 24 percent and former President Kim Dae Jung with 15 percent.
Maeil Business Newspaper
You can read more at the link, but Chung Ju-yung as the best businessman I can at least say he accomplished something great by founding Hyundai and becoming at the time the richest man in Korea. However, like former President Roh, Chung was another guy funneling cash to North Korea on behalf of the Kim Dae-jung presidency. Chung is yet another person through what he thought were good intentions helped create the North Korean nuclear and missile programs that remain a regional and even global threat today.