Here we go with more of the Yongsan Garrison is contaminated articles:

Benzene, at levels 1,170 times the government-set safety limit, has been detected among other toxic chemicals in groundwater near Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, the former site of the headquarters of the U.S. Forces (USFK) in Korea, Seoul metropolitan government said Friday.
Korea Times
The government said the levels of toxins above the allowable limit were detected in 27 out of 62 observation wells, or monitoring points installed to observe changes in groundwater over a specific time period.
At 16 out of 41 monitoring points near Noksapyeong Station near the garrison, toxic substances from groundwater samples was found to exceed environmental safety limits. Free-floating oil was also detected.
You can read more at the link, but what the article does not tell you is that last year on-post soil samples at Yongsan Garrison did not show dangerous pollution levels. The fact that these readings are near Yongsan Garrison does not necessarily mean it is coming from the base.
However, expect more of these articles because it helps to mobilize public opinion against USFK at a time when the US government is trying to get the Moon administration to pay more for USFK upkeep. The Moon administration can use the pollution issue to claim they are already paying more money to clean up Yongsan Garrison and shouldn’t have to pay any more.