Tag: G7

Japan Opposes South Korea Inclusion in G7 Summit Due to Differences with China and North Korea Issues

The Moon administration plays the Imperial Japan card for everything just like certain groups in the U.S. play the race card for everything. Here is the latest example:

 Japan’s reported protest against South Korea joining an expanded Group of Seven (G7) summit reflects its typical “shameless” behavior, a Cheong Wa Dae official said Monday.

The official was responding to a news report that the Shinzo Abe administration has delivered its objection to U.S. President Donald Trump’s idea of inviting President Moon Jae-in to the envisioned session.

Trump earlier announced that he wants to add the leaders of South Korea, Australia, India and probably Russia to the list of attendees at the event, which he hopes to host in the autumn.

Tokyo, however, has formally informed Washington of its negative view on the move to include Seoul, saying it is “not in lockstep with G7 members” on the China and North Korea issues, according to Japan’s Kyodo News service.

“There’s nothing to be surprised any more by Japan’s consistent attitude not to admit or atone for its wrongdoings,” the official said, describing Japan as accustomed to “harming” a neighboring country.

“The level of Japan’s shameless (stance) is something of the world’s top,” the official added. “I don’t expect any major impact (to Trump’s plan to expand the G7 and include South Korea as a member), as the international community, especially advanced nations, is sufficiently aware of Japan’s such level.”


You can read more at the link, but the Abe administration would not have opposed ROK attendance at the meeting if it wasn’t for the bilateral differences mentioned, it has nothing to do with Imperial Japan. Bringing up Imperial Japan as a response just demonstrates that the Abe administration was correct since no subsistence response to differences on North Korea and China was provided.