ROK, Dutch sign $23 million deal to upgrade atomic reactor in Netherlands
— KEI (@KoreaEconInst) November 3, 2014
Tag: Korea
Picture of the Day: Informal Meeting at Panmunjom

1957: Panmunjom, Korea North Korean and U.S. soldiers and Voice of the United Nations Command radio announcer.
Via Flickr.
Poll Shows that US Public Supports US-ROK Alliance
A recent poll shows that the U.S. public is strongly supportive of the U.S. military’s Asia pivot:
New analysis of the Chicago Council survey results on Asian issues by Dina Smeltz and Craig Kafura shows that over three-fifths of Americans now express support for the U.S. rebalance to Asia and that American favorability toward its two closest American allies in the region, Japan and South Korea, have reached their highest levels since the poll was started. Sixty-two percent of Americans recognize that Japan is one of America’s top ten trading partners and 64 percent support a long-term U.S. military presence in South Korea. (Defense One)
Though a high percentage of the public supports troops in Korea, less people have a favorable opinion of South Korea compared to Japan:
Analysis of the Chicago Council poll results for Japan by Michael Green of CSIS underscores the high level of trust among Americans toward Japan, rating Japan fourth globally in favorability (at 62 out of 100) behind only Canada (79), Great Britain (74), and Germany (65). …………
My review of the Chicago Council poll results for Korea shows a growing gap in American favorability toward South Korea (55 out of 100) versus North Korea, which at 23 out of 100 scored the lowest favorability among nations included in the poll.
You can read more at the link.
Report Says Ban Ki-moon May Run for President of South Korea
I think this just shows how powerful name recognition can be in a national election because I cannot think of one thing Ban Ki-moon has done at the United Nations that is noteworthy other than being the first Asian Secretary General:
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s confidants have sounded out the possibility of Ban’s running for president in his native South Korea, an opposition politician claimed Monday, despite Ban’s apparent objection to get involved in local politics.
Ban’s second five-year term is set to end at the end of 2016, a year before South Koreans go to the polls to elect a new president who will replace President Park Geun-hye.
Park’s single five-year term ends in early 2018, and by law, she cannot seek re-election.
Kwon Roh-kap, an adviser to the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy, claimed people seen as confidants to Ban discussed the possibility of Ban’s running for South Korea’s top office on the opposition ticket.
He said he told Ban’s confidants that he respects the U.N. chief and that the opposition should ask Ban to join the party and compete in the party’s primary for the presidential nomination for the election. [Yonhap]
You can read more at the link.
USFK Court Martial Result for September 2014
Below are the USFK Court Martial and ROK Criminal Prosecution Results for September 2014 that were posted on the USFK website. Of interest in September was that a Captain refused to take the breathalyzer test and was convicted of this crime. He received a 5,000,000 won fine which is steeper than the usual 3,000,000 won fine DUI convictions usually receive. However, he doesn’t get a DUI conviction on his record. Is that worth 2,000,000 won? Probably if refusing the breathalyzer doesn’t get him kicked out of the Army. Then 1-38 FA had three soldiers get convicted of obstruction to include one soldier for also performing an indecent act and had to register as a sex offender. I wonder what that soldier did to the KNPs to get that punishment?
Trial Results September 2014
Results of Army Courts-Martial for September 2014
On 3 September 2014, at a General Court Martial, SSG Vaughn K. Totten, 94th Military Police Battalion, 501st Sustainment Brigade, was convicted of one specification of failure to obey a lawful general regulation (Article 92, UCMJ). He was sentenced to reduction to E-5.
On 4 September 2014, at a Special Courts-Martial, PV2 Kendrick Rhodes, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade was found guilty of one specification of larceny of property of less than $500 in value (Article 121, UCMJ), and of three specifications of writing checks with insufficient funds (Article 123a, UCMJ). The Soldier was sentenced to reduction to E-1, forfeiture of $450 per month for two months, and to perform hard labor without confinement for two months.
On 7 September 2014, at a General Court Martial, PFC Hakim A. Blackwell, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade was found guilty of three specifications of assault consummated by a battery (Article 128, UCMJ). He was sentenced to reduction to E-1, to be confined for 4 months, and a Bad Conduct Discharge.
On 17 September 2014, at a Special Court Martial, PFC Kameron M. Coleman, 23d CBRNE Battalion, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2d Infantry Division, was found guilty of two specifications of sexual assault (Article 120, UCMJ). He was sentenced to reduction to E-1, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, confinement for 12 months, and a Bad Conduct Discharge.
Results of ROK Criminal Prosecutions for September 2014
In Seoul Central District Court on 3 September 2014, CPT Windel P. Pegott, HSC, HHB, 8th Army, was convicted of Refused to Take the Breath Test in violation of the Road Traffic Act. His adjudged sentence was a 5,000,000 Won fine.
In Suwon District Court on 12 September 2014, SSgt Joseph D. Lansangan, 51st AMXS, Osan Air Base, was convicted of DUI. His adjudged sentence was a 1,000,000 Won fine.
In Bucheon Branch of the Incheon District Court on 16 September 2014, SPC Dong Hwan Kim, HHB, 2-1st ADA, USAG Daegu (Carroll), was convicted of DUI. His adjudged sentence was suspended imposition of a sentence.
In Suwon District Court on 17 September 2014, SPC Nicholas P. Myers, B Btry, 1/38th FA, USAG Casey, was convicted of Indecent Act by Compulsion and Obstruction of Performance of Official Duties. His adjudged sentence was imprisonment for 10 months, suspended for 2 years. He was also ordered to register as a sex offender.
In Suwon District Court on 17 September 2014, PFC Alex S. Wilkerson, B Btry, 1/38th FA, USAG Casey, was convicted of Obstruction of Performance of Official Duties. His adjudged sentence was imprisonment for 6 months, suspended for 1 year.
In Suwon District Court on 17 September 2014, PFC Marcus M. Cobb, B Btry, 1/38th FA, USAG Casey, was convicted of Obstruction of Performance of Official Duties. His adjudged sentence was imprisonment for 6 months, suspended for 1 year.
In Daegu District Court on 19 September 2014, PVT Andreas P. Tyson, HHB, 2-1st ADA, USAG Daegu (Carroll), was convicted of violations of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc. (Psychotropic Drug). His adjudged sentence was imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months, suspended for 3 years and a civil assessment in the amount of 613,980 Won.
In Daegu District Court on 19 September 2014, PVT Sean D. Metcalfe, HHD, 168th MMB, USAG Daegu, was convicted of violations of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc. (Psychotropic Drug). His adjudged sentence was imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months, suspended for 3 years and a civil assessment in the amount of 613,980 Won.
In Uijeongbu District Court on 23 September 2014, SSG Jari A. Yarrell, EUSA NCO Academy, USAG Red Cloud, was convicted of the crimes including Infliction of Bodily Injury, Unlawful Use of an Automobile and DUI. His adjudged sentence was a 5,000,000 Won fine.
In Uijeongbu District Court on 29 September 2014, PVT Joon Suk Yoon, HHC, 2/9th Infantry, USAG Casey, withdrew his prior request for formal trial and accepted the summary order of 11 April 2014 finding him guilty of larceny and sentencing him to a 2,000,000 Won fine.
Picture of the Day: Nice Cabbages
Farmers are busy harvesting cabbages on a field in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province, on Oct. 27, 2014, ahead of South Korea’s kimchi-making season. (Yonhap)
Text of New USFK Policy Letter Banning Juicy Girls in Korea
Via the USFK website I was able to get a copy of the actual policy letter signed by USFK commander General Scaparrotti. Here is the text of the policy letter:
HEADQUARTERS, UNITED STATES FORCES KOREAUNIT #15237APO AP 96205-523715 Oct 2014FKCCMEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTIONSUBJECT: United States Forces Korea(USFK) Command Policy Letter #12, Combating Prostitution and Trafficking in Persons (CTIP)1. This policy applies to all military personnel assigned or attached permanently, on temporary duty, or on rotational duty in Korea, and to USFK units or organizations supported by USFK units. Department of Defense (DoD) Civilian Employees and DoD-invited contractors/technical representatives, family members of military, DoD civilians, DoD contractors, and visiting guests are encouraged to follow this order.2. DoD policy condemns practices that subjugate, enslave, and demean individuals, including prostitution and human trafficking. Prostitution and the patronizing of a prostitute are crimes in the Republic of Korea (ROK) and are punishable under the UCMJ. Trafficking in Persons is also illegal under Korean and United States law.3. There are establishments outside our installations that support human trafficking , usually of young women, many of whom are brought into the country under false pretenses as entertainers and forced to work in bars or other establishments in violation of their visas. They are subjected to debt bondage and made to sell themselves as companions, or forced into prostitution.4. Service members are often encouraged to buy overpriced “juice” drinks in exchange for the company of these women, or to pay a fee to obtain the company of an employee who is then relieved of their work shift (commonly referred to as “bar-fining” or “buying a day off”). The governments of the Republic of Korea, the United States, and the Republic of the Philippines have linked these practices with prostitution and human trafficking.5. Installation commanders have the authority to put off-limits those establishments that engage in activities detrimental to readiness, good order, and discipline and I expect them to exercise that authority, particularly as it applies to establishments that support prostitution and human trafficking. I also expect service members to respect the dignity of others at all times. Paying for companionship directly supports human trafficking and is a precursor to prostitution. This practice encourages the objectification of women, reinforces sexist attitudes, and is demeaning to all human beings. Preventing service members from supporting human trafficking and prostitution outside our installations helps ensure the highest levels of readiness, promotes good order and discipline, and provides for the health, welfare and safety of our personnel and community.
6. Military personnel subject to this order shall not provide money or anything of value to an employee or establishment for the primary purpose of obtaining an employee’s company or companionship, inside or outside a bar or establishment. This includes paying a fee to play darts, pool, or to engage in other entertainment with an employee, or buying a drink or souvenir in exchange for an employee’s company. Service members who fail to comply with the provisions of this paragraph may be subject to punishment under the UCMJ, adverse administrative personnel action, and/or other adverse actions authorized by applicable laws and regulations.This paragraph supersedes USFK Regulation 27-5, paragraph 8-6, dated 7 July 2011, until amended to conform to this policy letter.7. If any member of USFK observes this conduct or sees indicators of prostitution or human trafficking, they should immediately contact their local law enforcement desk or the USFK Prostitution and Human Trafficking Hotline at DSN 736-9333 or Comm 0505-336-9333.8. Questions concerning this policy should be directed to your servicing legal office or USFK/JA at DSN 723-7349 or Commercial 050-5333-7349.//ORIGINAL SIGNED//CURTIS M. SCAPARROTTIGeneral, U.S. ArmyCommanderDISTRIBUTION:A References.a. DoD Instruction 2200.01, Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP), 15 September 2010b. USFK Command Policy Letter #1, Zero Tolerence Policy, 2 January 2014
The policy letter also tries to capture all the work-arounds the juicy bars might use to get around this policy. For example the policy letter bans paying for darts and pool in exchange for time with juicy girls. A couple of work-arounds I do not see it covering would be a cover fee to enter the bar. What if a bar owner charges servicemembers $50 to enter the bar that has juicy girls in it? The job of the juicy girl would then be to wait outside the bar and try to get servicemembers to come inside. Or how about the bar owner charging inflated drink fees for servicemembers? So instead of the juicy girl trying to get the servicemember to buy her drinks, her job becomes to get the servicemember to buy drinks for himself. If the servicemember does not buy a drink for himself then she moves on to the next customer.
Picture of the Day: Pyeongchang Ski Resort Prepares for Opening
An employee of Yongpyeong Ski Resort sprays artificial snow on the slope in PyeongChang, Gangwon Province, on Oct. 28, 2014, ahead of its opening, scheduled for Nov. 8 or Nov. 15. (Yonhap)
Imjim Pub Announces Veteran’s Day Remembrance Ride
For those looking for something to do over the Veteran’s Day weekend, the Imjim Pub is sponsoring a Veteran’s Day Remembrance Ride:
Here are the details:
Saturday 8 November 2014 – Dongducheon
10:30-11:45 Registration Imjin Pub (37.914466, 127.058121)
12:00 – Wheels up – Ride
15:00 (approx) – Dinner, 50/50 Raffle Draw, giveaways at VFW Post 9985
(later) After Party at IMJIN PUB
10USD -or- 10,000KRW per bike (passenger free) – 1x 50/50 raffle ticket
토요일 2014년 11월 8일 – 동두천
10:30-11:45 등록 @ 임진 펍 ( 37.914466 , 127.058121 )
12시 – 라이드
15시 (대략) – VFW 에서 저녁 식사 , 50/50 복권 추첨 , 경품
(후에) 술집에서 파티 후 임진 펍
모터 사이클 10USD -or- 10,000KRW ( 승객 무료) – 1 배 50/50 복권
You can read more over at this Facebook event page.
Tweet of the Day: Sewol Captain Faces Death Penalty
South Korea ferry disaster: prosecutors seek death penalty for captain
— South Korea Daily (@SouthKoreaDaily) October 27, 2014