Most apt description of #StarfieldLibrary I've read: "It's a neat looking tourist destination and nothing more. To add slight hyperbole, It's a fake library with fake books read by fake readers mostly there for selfies."
It would be interesting to see what accomplishments President Moon thinks should be enshrined in his own multi-million dollar library:
The government until a few days ago planned to spend W17.2 billion in taxpayers’ money to build a library dedicated to the life and career of Moon Jae-in in Busan once the president leaves office (US$1=W1,192). It would be the first of its kind paid for with taxpayers’ money. So far the country has been content to store documents and other materials related to all previous presidents in a library in Sejong administrative city that opened in 2016. There is a separate library and museum dedicated to Kim Dae-jung, a vastly more distinguished figure than the incumbent, but it was paid for with his Nobel Peace Prize money.
Moon’s own library was to be built on a sprawling 5,000 sq.m plot of land in the southern port city. The existing library in Sejong employs 64 staff, yet the government will have to hire more than 20 staff just to look after the Moon collection. The Moon administration is starting to behave as if it is on a mission to empty the government’s coffers over ever less useful projects.