I know parking in the D.C. area can be crazy, but this going way overboard:
Bryan Whitman, the senior Pentagon official charged last month with stealing a Capitol Hill nanny’s license plates, has been placed on paid administrative leave and had his top-level security clearance revoked.
It remains unclear whether Whitman, the highest-ranking career civilian in the Defense Department’s public affairs office, had informed his superiors of the alleged crimes â which he was required to do. Â (……)
In early April, court records say, Whitman stole two license plates from the car of a nanny who had used a visitor pass to park in his neighborhood, where she cares for a young couple’s 1-year-old son. Two days later, after the plates were replaced, he stole another from the car. Then, in late April, he struck once more â but this time the couple caught him on a video camera they had mounted inside their home’s front window.
After handing over the plates to police and being charged, Whitman agreed to a deal this week that would lead to the case’s dismissal if he pays $1,000 in restitution, performs 32 hours of community service, remains out of trouble for the next 10 months, and stays away both from the nanny and the woman for whom she works.
The source close to him insisted he didn’t know his target was a nanny. Whitman, who has worked at the Defense Department for more than two decades, believed the person using the visitor pass worked on Capitol Hill and was taking advantage of the available parking.
A spokesman for the District of Columbia’s Department of Transportation Department said Wednesday it is legal for nannies to use visitor passes when they are working. Â [Stars & Stripes]
You can read more at the link, but I would not want to live some place where you have to get a parking pass just park on the side of the street.
Via 10Mag come this article about how someone on the Internet is selling stickers to fight back with against all the illegal parkers in South Korea. Â I have seen apartment security guards use stickers on illegal parkers and they are an effective way in my opinion to discourage illegal parking:
Example of illegal parking in Korea via Flickr user night2300.
If you canât stand illegal car parking in Korea (or anywhere for that matter), then read on:
âHave you had enough of asshole parking?â asks Parking Vigilante Korea, âIf so, youâve come to the right place.â
Parking Vigilante Korea is a new website that sells stickers designed to be attached to cars that have been parked with little to no consideration for others. Promising to both anger and embarrass guilty parties, the stickers read, âCongratulations. Youâve been chosen as a perfect example of a self-centered, entitled, asshole driver.â  [10Mag]